Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sauvignon Blanc and Salmon

I had my oldest, dearest friend over the other night for grilled salmon and some wine and lots of conversation.  She recently moved back to our savannah after spending 10+ years in the UK.  I love her.  I've known her for almost 25 years.  We gel and I'm over the moon about her being home again.

The thing is, she's starting her own business and I'm in the middle of a pesky doctoral degree and we're, well...we're damn busy.  The only reason I had Friday night open was because it's the start of Spring Break and I didn't have to worry about reading chapters and chapters before Monday rolls around again.  Is this what it's like to have a regular job?  Do you get to have friends over on the weekend?  Only 2 more years and I can do that allll the time.  Keep your fingers crossed that we survive it.

So, why am I up in the middle of the night, you ask?  I'm up because I had Sauvignon Blanc on Friday night.  A lot of Sauvignon Blanc.  My brain felt two sizes too small all day Saturday and I slept most of it away - thank God I wasn't nauseous.  The Lion was home with the cubs until he went to work, so that was taken care of.  The cubs crawled in bed with me at bedtime and I woke up around 2 AM.  I always wake up then, though, because that's when The Lion gets off shift.  Does anyone else do that?

So, I'm up.  I did the dishes, cleaned up the living room a little and sat down to do some studying.  You see, I have a Comprehensive Exam on March 24th that will test all my knowledge to this point and might even earn me a Master's Degree.  So, I have a lot of studying to do but I figured I'd ease into it with a new post.

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